Offering high-quality and technologically-advanced products at competitive prices, ensuring a service level in line with a total customer satisfaction policy _ this has been GIVIMISURE's mission for 40 years. Besides head quarter in Italy, GIVIMISURE has direct offices in China, India and Turkey. GIVI MISURE has a wide range of products suitable to satisfy any measurement and control need.
- CNC Machines: GIVI MISURE measurement systems provide the right solution for CNC with the high speeds, accelerations and the heavy working conditions.
- Press brakes: GIVI MISURE has been supplying its optical and magnetic scales to the most important press brakes OEMs worldwide.
- Traditional machines: GIVI MISURE is able to provide a full package for the display and control of the axes.
- Wood, glass and marble processing machines: GIVI MISURE produces a wide range of instruments designed to withstand dirt, accelerations, vibrations and able to preserve the initial accuracy unchanged over time.
- Automation: provides for some phases of semifinished products handling and mechanized processing stages to reach the finished product: measure displacements, rotations and distances with different degrees of accuracy,…
- Renewable energies: In advanced solar tracking systems, both photovoltaic and large solar thermal plants, our sensors ensure that the photovoltaic panels and concentrator mirrors are always in the optimal orientation and tilt angle. Also in the wind industry, the accurate control of rotation parameters guarantees an optimal use of the climatic conditions.
- Special applications: providing measuring instruments for special applications, standard or customized systems. From diagnostic tools for medical applications to food industry machines, passing through advanced printing systems and large shipyards.
- Optical Scales
- Magnetic Systems : Incremental & absolute magnetic sensor, magnetic band, digital readout, magnetic ring, Incremental & absolute magnetic scale
- Rotary Encoders : Absolute encoder, incremental encoder
- Digital Readouts
- Position Controllers
- Accessories
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