AGR Manual Preform Perpendicularity Gauge
Price: Contact
Brand: AGR International Vietnam
Category: 4.0 Industry
Supplier: ANS Vietnam
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Measuring & Inspection ( M&I)
Verification that the body of a preform is perpendicular to the finish surface
The Preform Perpendicularity Gauge verifies that the body of a preform is perpendicular to the finish surface. A rigid stand, designed to hold preforms in position for accurate measurement, permits quick and easy identification of bent or out-of-round preforms. This gauge comes complete with a high accuracy, digital readout with built-in port for serial communications.
Ideal for small size preform manufacturing, incoming preform inspection, and blowing operations with single-stage machinery
Compatible with most 28mm and 38mm finish preforms
ANS is a genuine agent of AGR in Vietnam
Instant quote - Genuine product - 12 month warranty - 24/7 technical support consultation
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Reliable and simple to use
ANS is a genuine agent of AGR in Vietnam
Instant quote - Genuine product - 12 month warranty - 24/7 technical support consultation