Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe HMPX 5D1B0A0A0F0 Vaisala



Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMPX is designed for high temperature applications such as baking ovens, pasta dryers, ceramics and industrial drying kilns where measurement performance and chemical tolerance are essential. The HMPX is part of the Indigo product family and compatible with Indigo500, Indigo300 and Indigo200 series transmitters and free Insight PC Software.

Humidity and Temperature Probe

  • Probe Head: Humidity and Temperature Probe HMPX
  • Cable Length: HMPX with 10m cable
  • Sensor Type: Composite R2 (VHM180C)
  • Filter Type: SST sintered filter
  • Purge and Heating: Purge on, probe heat off
  • Baud rate 19200
  • Parity, Data Bit, Stop Bit: Communication settings 8, N, 2
  • Probe Modbus Address: Modbus address 240
  • Reserved character
  • Probe Mounting Accessory: Mounting flange
  • Connection Cable - No connection cable