Oxygen analysers PPM measurement Model 2010BR Tekhne Vietnam
The development of the AMI Model 2010BR trace oxygen analyzer began with a collection of inputs from hundreds of industry leading engineers and field technicians in the natural gas and petrochemical industries.
These inputs coupled with our advanced engineering techniques have resulted in a totally complete, compact, state-of-the-art oxygen analyzer for harsh, hazardous applications.
We have outfitted this unit with a comprehensive state-of-the-art electronics and complete sample handling package using our patented cell block technology. The front panel user interface is very intuitive for ease of operation and for the advanced users we provide an RS-232 connection to access the more advanced settings.
If necessary, this analyzer can be mounted directly outside in all types of weather. An optional high-tech, low power proportional temperature controlled heater allows for an expanded temperature range of -20° to 115° F without an additional enclosure or wiring. This applies in either Class I, Div. 1 or Div. 2 Groups B,C,D, area classifications, allowing for a simple straightforward installation.
- igh resolution 3 ½ digit single range LCD
- 10 Standard analog output ranges: 0-10ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-.500%, 0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10% and 0-25%
- 1-5VDC and 4-20mA. analog outputs
- Patented cellblock technology. Provides 3-way selector valve: Sample/Span/Off, a flow control valve and flow meter all integral to the compact cell bloc
- 1-2 year life high-performance electrochemical sensor. Optional H2S resistant sensor eliminates the need for an H2S scrubber
- Approved by CSA International to UL and CSA standards as meeting requirements for Class I, Div. 1, Groups B,C,D with flammable gas sample