DUST MONITOR Matsushima Vietnam
Price: Contact
Brand: Matsushima Measure Tech
Category: Level Transmitter/Level Switch(Liquid) Matsushima
Supplier: ansvietnam
Origin: Japan
DUST MONITOR Matsushima Vietnam
Dust monitors are measuring instruments that measure dust concentration (mg/m3) in the air and there are 3 types which are triboelectric, light scattering and light transmission principles.
A Particle counter is one of the kind but it measures number of physical microparticles (pcs/m3) instead of concentration (mg/m3).
Triboelectric Dust Monitor
Triboelectric charging occurs when two materials are brought into contact then separated or slide against each other. Triboelectric dust monitor receives the electrostatic movement at the probe and converts them into analog signal in proportion to the dust concentration.
Light Scattering Dust Monitor
Light scattering dust monitor emits light into the process, receives light scattered from particles and count them as dust concentration signal. Basic principle is same as the particle counter. Refer to the below "2. Working principle of particle counter".
Light Transmission Dust Monitor
Light transmission dust monitor emits light from emitter and the receiver receives the light attenuated by flying dust in between. This attenuation is in proportion to the dust concentration.